Realizing the Potential

of the European

Small State



The idea for ESSI grew from a desire to showcase

the potential in the uniqueness of

European small states.


while managing to preserve ethnic uniqueness under a unifying national identity.

The European Small States Institute (ESSI) has been formed in the Principality of Monaco to advance research on the issues that concern the small states of Europe and thus to realize the potential in the European small state contribution. ESSI’s aim is to forge mutually beneficial, collaborative links between research entities in these countries to develop and promote advanced research in the subject area, and make this knowledge generally accessible to interested parties. ESSI seeks to achieve its vision and mission through this range of activities, through open debate based on its own funded research, and by offering publicly-accessible conferences and events.

Become a Member

ESSI members have a particular philanthropic interest in the ISESS mission, objectives, and values and will participate in the active support of the institute through sponsorship and membership fees.

Sponsor Research

ESSI partners with various corporate entities in developing grant-funded applied research opportunities and conference and events which support the development aims of both organizations.

Attend a Conference

Specialized conferences, seminars, and events provide a venue and platform for people to share ideas and evaluate research. Conferences include sponsored colloquia and seminars,  roundtables, and panel discussions.

The Small State Example

“Small States can lay claim to some notable achievements, particularly in Europe. For example, the Principality of Monaco has long exemplified how living in a small country with a small population need not inhibit a nation’s desire to achieve.  Iceland established the oldest extant parliamentary institution in the world (the Althing) in 930 and was the first country to have a political party formed and led entirely by women. The Republic of Malta possesses nine UNESCO World Heritage Sites among which the Megalithic Temples are some of the oldest free-standing structures in the world. The Republic of Macedonia has moved toward political and economic reform while managing to preserve ethnic uniqueness under a unifying national identity.”

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